Thursday, July 16, 2015

Trust Issues? I have a solution.

This summer has been a challenge. I moved away from familiar territory to something different and new. I have found myself angry, sad, irritated and bitter since I moved away. I have also found myself asking God why He wanted me to move and every time He answers me the same.

He has been speaking to me a lot about (in a nutshell) trust. A lot of components come with trust. As defined in the dictionary trust is, 'reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.'

When God asks us to trust Him. He's asking us to confide in Him. Give Him everything: our talents, strengths, insecurities, sins, weaknesses, pasts, presents and futures. 

EVERYTIME I have given some struggle to God , He has showed up. He has gotten the glory and showed me so much about myself: Who I can be in HIM, How I can be in HIM, Where I can go in HIM and what I can do in HIM.

No matter how hurt you are or how badly your trust has been broken; His arms are everlasting, His love is never ending, His promises are always true and He IS trustworthy.