Spring break is one of those things that people look forward to especially as a young adult. Whether its going home to see family, going to Florida with friends or going to visit old friends.
My spring break twenty 13 consisted of me going back to the college I went to y freshman and sophomore year. I was so excited, anticipated it to be amazing to see old friends and even teared up when I got the ticket.
As the days drew near I kept thinking about all the people I was going to surprise, catch up with and have fun with.
Little did I know that my trip was going to turn out differently then I thought.
The trip taught me about the people who really do care about me, about the people who don't and that I was just expecting more then I should have.
It's crazy how a little bit of hope can be crushed by one judgmental look, a mean comment or facing your worst enemy. I am disappointed in myself because I expected too much and thought highly enough about myself that people who I thought were my friends would miss me, but through it all, I am so thankful for the friends who have put up with me through thick and thin. Their love will surpass all of those judgmental people or those who I thought were my friends.
Overall, spring break was a learning experience. I learned a lot and I don't regret it one bit.